Results for 'Jordi Crespo Saumell'

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  1.  30
    New Lights on the Anonymus Londiniensis Papyrus.Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2017 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 11 (2):120.
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    (1 other version)Who Are ‘the Ancients’?Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2018 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 18.
    Qui sont « les Anciens »? Dans cet article nous allons examiner la signification de l’expression « les Anciens » dans le papyrus médical appelé Anonyme de Londres, en essayant de lui donner une juste attribution. L’examen contextuel des deux occurrences de ce terme révèle que le rapprochement avec les Aristotéliciens, proposé par la plupart des interprétations, est plutôt plausible. Cette conclusion est basée sur deux éléments : d’abord d’étroites analogies avec quelques textes d’Aristote, puis l’usage qui a été fait (...)
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    Plato, the Medicine, and the Paraphrase on the Timaeus in the Anonymus Londiniensis Papyrus.Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2017 - Rhizomata 5 (2):148-176.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Rhizomata Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 2 Seiten: 148-176.
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    El Comentario a las Categorías de Aristóteles en el Palimpsesto de Arquímedes.Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2015 - Endoxa 35:11.
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    Jordi Maragall, Eugenio Trías: conversa.Jordi Maragall I. Noble & Eugenio Trâias - 1988 - [Barcelona]: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edited by Eugenio Trías.
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    Jordi Gol i Gurina, 1924-1985: els grans temes d'un pensament i d'una vida.Jordi Gol - 1986 - Barcelona: Llar del Llibre. Edited by Josep Bigordà.
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  7. Privileged access naturalized.Jordi Fernandez - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):352-372.
    The purpose of this essay is to account for privileged access or, more precisely, the special kind of epistemic right that we have to some beliefs about our own mental states. My account will have the following two main virtues. First of all, it will only appeal to those conceptual elements that, arguably, we already use in order to account for perceptual knowledge. Secondly, it will constitute a naturalizing account of privileged access in that it does not posit any mysterious (...)
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  8. The intentionality of memory.Jordi Fernández - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (1):39-57.
    The purpose of this essay is to determine how we should construe the content of memories or, in other words, to determine what the intentional objects of memory are.1 The issue that will concern us is, then, analogous to the traditional philosophical question of whether perception directly puts us in cognitive contact with entities in the world or with entities in our own minds. As we shall see, there are some interesting aspects of the phenomenology and the epistemology of memory, (...)
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  9. Desire and self-knowledge.Jordi Fernández - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):517 – 536.
    In this paper, I propose an account of self-knowledge for desires. According to this account, we form beliefs about our own desires on the basis of our grounds for those desires. First, I distinguish several types of desires and their corresponding grounds. Next, I make the case that we usually believe that we have a certain desire on the basis of our grounds for it. Then, I argue that a belief formed thus is epistemically privileged. Finally, I compare this account (...)
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  10. Memory: A Self-Referential Account.Jordi Fernández - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a philosophical account of memory. Memory is remarkably interesting from a philosophical point of view. Our memories interact with mental states of other types in a characteristic way. They also have some associated feelings that other mental states lack. Our memories are special in terms of their representational capacity too, since we can have memories of objective events, and we can have memories of our own past experiences. Finally, our memories are epistemically special, in that beliefs formed (...)
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  11.  33
    Quantification of an Elite Futsal Team’s Microcycle External Load by Using the Repetition of High and Very High Demanding Scenarios.Jordi Illa, Daniel Fernandez, Xavier Reche, Gerard Carmona & Joan Ramon Tarragó - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Fuzzy Empiricism and Fuzzy‐Set Causality: What Is All the Fuzz About?Jordi Cat - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (1):26-41.
    This paper examines a novel notion of causality, namely, fuzzy-set-theoretic causality. Over the last decade, a number of conceptual models of causality, in the language of fuzzy-set theory, have appeared in the scientific literature and have been applied to empirical research. They have circulated widely from one scientific discipline to another, weaving a unifying thread through them. However, they have received no philosophical attention. In this paper, I will discuss the value and limitations of this type of model and will (...)
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  13.  89
    What are the benefits of memory distortion?Jordi Fernández - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:536-547.
  14.  4
    From Quantum Holism to the Disunity of Science and Social Activism: The Cat-Feyerabend Correspondence.Jordi Cat & Jamie Shaw - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):243-290.
    This essay offers a discussion and contextualisation of a series of letters exchanged between Jordi Cat and Paul Feyerabend from 1989 to 1994. These letters provide insights into Feyerabend’s later thought on a variety of themes including quantum holism, the disunity of science, the development of logical empiricism, and science activism. In doing so, we provide some original analysis and exegesis of Feyerabend’s evolving views on scientific methodology and quantum mechanics by focusing on Feyerabend’s changing attitudes towards Bohm, Bohr, (...)
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  15.  37
    Aristotle’s Principles for Modern Economic Science.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Studia Gilsoniana 8 (4):819–837.
    This paper is an attempt to illuminate today’s economic science with the light of Aristotle’s philosophy of economics. The author first describes Aristotle’s thoughts about the economy. Then, he distinguishes and discusses three Aristotelian principles: (a) economics should be a classical practical or moral science, (b) economics should not look for an unlimited wealth, but for the wealth necessary for the good life, and (c) economics should be aimed at the common good.
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    Filosofía de la economía.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2012 - Pamplona: Eunsa.
  17.  18
    Crítica a la retribución como fin de la pena.Eduardo Demetrio Crespo - forthcoming - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez.
    El trabajo tiene por objeto reflexionar críticamente sobre el retribucionismo como fin de la pena en el Estado constitucional de Derecho. Tomando como punto de partida el idealismo alemán, se analizan las reformulaciones más recientes de esta corriente de pensamiento aparentemente superada. Se propone una distinción metodológica entre los términos retribución, reprobación y venganza, en orden a la defensa de una teoría de la pena secularizada.
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  18. Artrosis en mascotas.Jordi Flores - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 24--229.
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    Jürgen Habermas como crítico e intérprete del pensamiento jurídico-político de Carl Schmitt.Carlos-Eduardo Perez-Crespo - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (3).
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    Huellas de Hegel.José María Ripalda Crespo - 2000 - Endoxa 1 (12-1):141.
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  21. ¿Por qué motivos crearemos máquinas emocionales?Jordi Vallverdú I. Segura - 2007 - Astrolabio 5:44-52.
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    El ejercicio de la desilusión en la reflexión crítica de Nietzsche.Remedios Ávila Crespo - 1992 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:91-107.
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    " Una forma divina de pensar" Nietzsche y el problema de la nada.Remedios Ávila Crespo - 2006 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 19:65-84.
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    Strategy and Legitimacy.Jordi Trullen & William B. Stevenson - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (2):178-210.
    This study shows that firms respond in strategic ways to institutional pressures that stem from social scandals. Through the formal analysis of the historical narrative of events, the authors studied how seven pharmaceutical companies reacted over the years to accusations of being socially irresponsible in dealing with the HIV virus in Africa. The analysis shows that institutional and task environmental factors interact to precipitate pharmaceutical companies' reactions. Although firms' behaviors were indeed affected by institutional pressures exerted by activist groups and (...)
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  25. Objects of Memory.Jordi Fernandez - 2009 - In Hal Pashler (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Mind. Sage Publications.
  26. The Unity of Science.Jordi Cat - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  27.  44
    Won’t get fooled again: The effects of internal and external csr Eco-labeling.Jordy F. Gosselt, Thomas van Rompay & Laura Haske - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):413-424.
    Although most consumers are positive about socially responsible companies, in order to benefit from CSR efforts, effective and clear CSR communication is important. However, due to the constantly rising profusion of eco-labels, based on either own claims from the organization or claims made by an external third party, consumers may encounter difficulties in identifying truly responsible firms, which could result in less effective CSR initiatives, even for those responsible firms. Therefore, building on attribution theory, this study seeks to identify how (...)
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  28. Memory, past and self.Jordi Fernández - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):103 - 121.
    The purpose of this essay is to determine how we should construe the content of memories. First, I distinguish two features of memory that a construal of mnemic content should respect. These are the ‘attribution of pastness’ feature (a subject is inclined to believe of those events that she remembers that they happened in the past) and the ‘attribution of existence’ feature (a subject is inclined to believe that she existed at the time that those events that she remembers took (...)
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    Empiricism and experience : Two problems.Jordi Valor Abad - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (2):323 – 328.
  30. Switching gestalts on gestalt psychology: On the relation between science and philosophy.Jordi Cat - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (2):131-177.
    : The distinction between science and philosophy plays a central role in methodological, programmatic and institutional debates. Discussions of disciplinary identities typically focus on boundaries or else on genealogies, yielding models of demarcation and models of dynamics. Considerations of a discipline's self-image, often based on history, often plays an important role in the values, projects and practices of its members. Recent focus on the dynamics of scientific change supplements Kuhnian neat model with a role for philosophy and yields a model (...)
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  31.  14
    Jordi Maragall, Eugenio Trías: conversa.Jordi Maragall I. Noble - 1988 - [Barcelona]: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edited by Eugenio Trías.
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  32. The functional character of memory.Jordi Fernandez - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin (eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 52-72.
    The purpose of this chapter is to determine what is to remember something, as opposed to imagining it, perceiving it, or introspecting it. What does it take for a mental state to qualify as remembering, or having a memory of, something? The main issue to be addressed is therefore a metaphysical one. It is the issue of determining which features those mental states which qualify as memories typically enjoy, and those states which do not qualify as such typically lack. In (...)
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    Los poderes probatorios del juez y el modelo de proceso | Evidential Powers of the Judges and the Procedural Models.Jordi Ferrer Beltrán - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 36:88-108.
    Resumen: El artículo ofrece un replanteamiento del debate sobre la conveniencia de atribuir poderes probatorios al juez. Para ello, se sostiene, por un lado, que la respuesta para ese debate debe vincularse necesariamente al modelo de proceso y de juez que se pretenda implementar, así como a la necesidad de sostener el objetivo de averiguación de la verdad en el proceso judicial. Por otro lado, una respuesta adecuada al problema planteado requiere un análisis cuidadoso de los distintos poderes probatorios y (...)
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    Metaphor and contextual coherence: it's a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1–35.
    Many sentences can be interpreted both as a metaphor and as a literal claim, depending on the context. The aim of this paper is to show that there are discourse-based systematic constraints on the identification of an utterance as metaphorical, literal, or both (as in the case of twice-apt metaphors), from a normative point of view. We claim that the key is contextual coherence. In order to substantiate this claim, we introduce a novel notion of context as a rich and (...)
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    Experiencia sensorial y marketing sonoro. La motivación del uso de la música en locales comerciales y sus consecuencias en el comportamiento del consumidor.Isidro Sánchez-Crespo & María Jesús Carrasco-Santos - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (5):1-15.
    El estudio de la motivación de la utilización de los sistemas de control avanzado de música ambiental y el hecho de crear un buen ambiente, una buena experiencia de cara al cliente que entra en un local a realizar una compra debido al atractivo generado por la música es el objetivo de esta investigación. El estudio de las emociones que se derivan de la utilización de la música en locales comerciales y la repercusión que tiene en el comportamiento de compra (...)
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    Sufrimiento y pesimismo en Schopenhauer.Jordi Cabos - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (1):143-159.
    El presente artículo investiga de qué forma la centralidad del sufrimiento en la filosofía de Schopenhauer sirve para fundamentar su pesimismo. Tres son los argumentos analizados: el lugar del sufrimiento en el mundo, su lugar en la conciencia humana y su lugar frente a la felicidad. A la luz de estos tres argumentos, se destaca que el vínculo indisoluble entre el sufrimiento y la esencia del mundo, la determinación del sufrimiento en la conciencia, tanto en su génesis como en su (...)
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    La invisibilización jurídica de la naturaleza social de la propiedad: hegemonías y resistencias.Jordi Mundó - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):71-80.
    En esta investigación se muestra cómo la persistencia de una concepción jurídica diática de la propiedad ha invisibilizado el carácter hist´rocio, social y político de la misma, naturalizando la desigualdad resultante. Se realiza un examen de cómo el realismo jurídico y la concepción de la propiedad como "haces de derechos" contribuyó a resignificarla como realidad históricamente contingente, sujeta a condiciones e intereses económicos, sociales y políticos. Finalmente, en el artículo se discute cómo la cristalización de los "haces de derechos" en (...)
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  38. Schopenhauer’s Pessimism.Jordi Fernández - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (3):646–664.
    My purpose in this essay is to clarify and evaluate Arthur Schopenhauer's grounds for the view that happiness is impossible. I shall distinguish two of his arguments for that view and argue that both of them are unsound. Both arguments involve premises grounded on a problematic view, namely, that desires have no objects. What makes this view problematic is that, in each of the two arguments, it conflicts with Schopenhauer's grounds for other premises in the argument. I shall then propose (...)
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    A Failed "Cassatio": Goldstein on the Liar.Jordi Valor Abad & José Martínez Fernández - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt3):327 - 332.
  40.  22
    La refexión metafísica como respuesta al nihilismo.Remedios Avila Crespo - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Sobre el significado del silencio del Buddha.Enrique Fernando Bocard Crespo - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (283 S.Esp):553-576.
    El objetivo principal del ensayo es intentar entender el significado del silencio del Buddha ante las diez proposiciones sin declarar. Si se consideran como di††hi, las preguntas sin declarar son simplemente un conjunto de proposiciones conceptualmente distorsionadas. El trabajo se ha dividido en cinco secciones. En las dos primeras se presenta la explicación del Buddha de su propio silencio. Tienen un alcance meramente expositivo con el objeto de situar la discusión en los términos en que fue originariamente planteada. La tercera (...)
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    Das Verzeihen: eine philosophische Untersuchung.Mariano Crespo - 2002 - Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter Verlag.
    Was heißt das eigentlich und im Grunde genommen, einer anderen Person zu verzeihen? Was ist der Gegenstand des Verzeihens? Oder anders gesagt, was verzeihen wir überhaupt, wenn wir verzeihen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein, damit ein Gegenstand des Verzeihens überhaupt zur Gegebenheit kommen kann? Was sind die charakteristischen Merkmale dieses besonderen Gegenstandes? Was für eine Art von Erlebnis ist das Verzeihen? Handelt es sich um einen Akt oder um eine Stellungnahme? Können wir im Namen anderer Personen verzeihen? Ist das Verzeihen (...)
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    Tasting and testing.Inés Crespo & Frank Veltman - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 42 (6):617-653.
    Our main concern in this paper is the semantics of predicates of personal taste. However, in order to see these predicates in the right perspective, we had to broaden the scope to the wider class of relative gradable adjectives. We present an analysis of the meaning of these adjectives in the framework of update semantics. In this framework the meaning of a sentence is not identified with its truth conditions, but with its impact on people’s intentional states. In this respect, (...)
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    El comercio de barrio como espacio de sociabilidad en contextos locales de migración.Paloma Gómez Crespo - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Este artículo aborda el carácter clave del comercio de barrio como espacio para la sociabilidad en contextos locales de migración, centrándose en tres planteamientos que contribuyen a analizar tanto situaciones de convivencia armoniosa como de conflictividad entre vecinos de distintos orígenes etnoculturales: 1) la vinculación entre el comercio como elemento visibilizador de expresiones identitarias y la construcción culturalista del conflicto; 2) cómo se articula el comercio con otros espacios de sociabilidad; y 3) la multiplicidad de espacios de interacción que ofrece (...)
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    Sensación y pintura en Deleuze.Paula Honorato Crespo - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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    Essay Review: Symmetries in Physics.Jordi Cat - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (4):459-468.
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    Aplicación y límites del derecho a la libertad de expresión de jueces y magistrados en el Derecho internacional.Jordi Feo Valero - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 49:153-190.
    El presente artículo propone un análisis sobre el derecho a la libertad de expresión de jueces y magistrados desde la perspectiva de los estándares de derechos huma­nos en el ámbito regional e internacional, a través de la normativa y la práctica jurisprudencial al respecto. El trabajo pretende arrojar luz sobre las posibles res­tricciones a las que se podrían ver sometidos en este ámbito los miembros de la ju­dicatura con motivo del especial contenido de las funciones que desarrollan. Esta investigación hace (...)
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  48. El poder del arte.Remedios Ávila Crespo - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 37:185-192.
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  49. Intentional objects of memory.Jordi Fernandez - 2017 - In Sven Bernecker & Kourken Michaelian (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 88-100.
    Memories are mental states with a number of interesting features. One of those features seems to be their having an intentional object. After all, we commonly say that memories are about things, and that a subject represents the world in a certain way by virtue of remembering something. It is unclear, however, what sorts of entities constitute the intentional objects of memory. In particular, it is not clear whether those are mind-independent entities in the world or whether they are mental (...)
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  50. Observer memory and immunity to error through misidentification.Jordi Fernández - 2021 - Synthese (1):641-660.
    Are those judgments that we make on the basis of our memories immune to error through misidentification? In this paper, I discuss a phenomenon which seems to suggest that they are not; the phenomenon of observer memory. I argue that observer memories fail to show that memory judgments are not IEM. However, the discussion of observer memories will reveal an interesting fact about the perspectivity of memory; a fact that puts us on the right path towards explaining why memory judgments (...)
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